Monday, October 11, 2010

How To // Prioritising Exercise

Recently one of my girlfriends asked if I had any tips on how to prioritise exercise. So I've come up with a couple of tips on how to fit exercise into your day:

1. Try to organise walk dates with your girlfriends, rather than coffee dates. This way you fit an exercise session in as well as quality time to catch up with your friends.

2. Wake up and put your gym gear on straight away. I have a theory that if I get into my gym gear I wont take it off until I've exercised (works for me). So put your gear on girls and prioritise that walk or run.

3. Set yourself an achievable goal, say 3 walks a week. Then add it to your list of things to do for the week and mark them off as you get them done. Seeing it visually on paper always encourages me to fit a walk in.

4. For me, 3.30-4.00 in the afternoon is Charlie's crazy time of the day. He is usually unsettled and bored. So for his stimulation and my mental health a walk is the perfect solution for happy toddler and happy mum. I know that Charlie loves a walk, the fresh air and real life entertainment is so good for him.

5. Buy gym/walking clothes that are comfortable and look cute. Black leggings and a singlet or over sized tee are my picks.

Get out there mumma's you'll feel good and look good for your efforts.

PS Just a little pic of Charlie and Bella waiting to go walking (cant work out why people laugh at us)