Thursday, January 13, 2011

I'm Back and Inspired

I'm back!! I know its taken me awhile to get back into the posts. Holidaying and having the hubby around has had me relaxing for longer than I thought I would.

So... lets discuss our 2010's. After doing a lot of reflecting with family and friends I realised that 2010 was a really hard year for many. Loss of loved ones, marriage troubles, friendship breakdown, both mental and physical health problems and the list goes on.

The reality is, life is hard! Just look at the QLD floods...its crazy (my heart just breaks for those who have lost love ones and there homes).

When I was a little girl I thought that when I was older and married things would be perfect. But that's just not reality. So with all this in mind lets enjoy the little things...
- sunrise and sunsets
- fresh flowers
- having a hand to hold or someone to cuddle
- your parents and grandparents
- family around you
- your babies cry (because it means your needed)
- getting up in the night for your children (because its not forever, any excuse for a cuddle)
- a nice meal with people you care about
- clean sheets (because you always sleep better with clean sheets)
- a swim at the beach
and I'm sure you'll agree the list goes on.

What I'm hoping to bring you in the new year is:
- more fashion posts
- as well as my own everyday fashion, doing fashion on a budget (insight into my life)
- inspirational words, little sayings, proverbs and poems to help lift your week
- fashion pics I've take myself (I'll have to learn the art of photography first)
and anything else I think you'll be interested in.

I'm praying that 2011 gets better for those effected by the floods and for any of you that had a hard 2010. oxo

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