Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pregnancy Diary // 38 Weeks

2 Weeks to go!!! Well that's if I come on time. I was a week over with Charlie so who knows what will happen.

It's been a very exciting week. Trev just finished all the painting and we finally got our carpet in...what a man (it looks amazing). The house feels like new and is so fresh. The babies room has been set up and the rest of the house is almost cleaned up. So we are almost ready for the arrival of our new bub. Woohoo!!

Week 38
Walks: 2 slow walks
Weight: 14kg
Feeling: Needing my sleep but got energy when I'm awake.

I'm huge...but who isn't with 2 weeks to go ha ha. I'm still struggling to get out of my comfy home clothes. But when I do get dressed it has to be comfy. I love this white shirt that I picked up from a vintage store. It has beautiful crochet detailing on the back and shoulders and plenty of moving room. To be honest I'm just looking forward to having a baby free body (I don't even care that its going to be big and floppy for awhile he he).

1 comment:

  1. You still look fantastic Ruth, can't believe it's only 2 weeks! So glad everything's coming together for you guys. Take care xo
