Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pregnancy Diary // 33 Weeks

Week 33 started out as an absolute shocker. I had a doctors appointment and got given some strong medication to help with my itching. I was so ready for a good night sleep. However, I hardly slept a wink. Firstly poor little Charlie was vomiting and waking all night. My poor little man was so sick. It was nice to be there for him and try forget about myself for abit. However after that sleepless night and then the next night also being sleepless I found myself going insane. Crying in the most inappropriate times (like in the middle of the chemist to people I didn't even know). There are going to be quite afew people happy to meet this little person when he/she finally arrives.

However God is good, and Thursday night was the best sleep I've had in a long time. Only waking once and sleeping so soundly otherwise it was the break I desperately needed. It reminded me that God never puts you in a situation that you cant handle (with his help of course). So hopefully things will be up from here in.

Week 33
Feeling: After Thursdays sleep things are looking up, but keep praying for me if you can.
Walks: 2 walks
Weight: 12kg (still on par with my pregnancy with Charlie. I seem to get to a certain weight and then just hover from here on in).
Look: Some people say I look big some small, but all I know is that my whole torso is totally filled with baby belly.

So this week it was all about being comfortable and wearing light clothes. These a some cute floral jersey pants I bought last year. Add a fitted black tee, (and to go out a scarf, and a loose fit cardi) and the comfort outfit is ready.

Floral Pants - Cotton On
Fitted Black Tee - cant remember

1 comment:

  1. Looking gorgeous Ruth! You poor thing, you've had so much going on...will be praying that the restful nights continue. xo
