Friday, April 29, 2011

Pregnancy Diary // 23 Weeks

What a lovely Easter break. So nice spending time with Trev, Charlie and my family. Relaxing at the beach, reading magazines and hanging out at my parents farm in front of the bon fire made for a really good time.

23 Weeks
Feeling: Still feeling good.
Walks: only one, but enjoyed relaxing.
Weight: 6kg
Look: An obvious pregnant tum, no more hiding this bump.

I've enjoyed chilling out in comfy clothes for the last week whilst holidaying. I love this over sized striped knit, my maternity leggings and my absolute favorite The Horse shoes. Whilst these leggings aren't the most fashion forward piece to wear, I couldn't do without the comfort they give me.

One Teaspoon Knit - General Pants
The Horse Shoes - check out their website, they have an amazing range coming out very soon.
Maternity Leggings - Big W
Grey Socks - Sportsgirl

Here is a little glimpse into our holiday.